Jacqueline Audigé

Certified Life & Business Coach

I help individuals and couples who argue and constantly fight over their lack of understanding of selves and each other create harmony and awaken their bodies, hearts, and minds to return intimacy and peace to their personal and professional relationships​ ​​without therapy.

I have worked with individuals and couples who want to be successful in “personal and professional relationships.” In only a few coaching sessions, they understand that their relationships are the most important thing, and they no longer have to struggle to make them their number ONE priority.

My clients gained motivation and enhanced all aspects of their relationships and lives in my practice because they found the right nugget.

Introducing The Six Secret Ingredients

It’s Essential to Understand that:

In my practice, I use my proprietary process comprising a recipe of Six Secret Ingredients I discovered to help individuals and couples re-evaluate their existence and figure out who they are in their relationships with themselves and others.

My Coaching program is for individuals and couples dating, engaged, living together, or married who argue and constantly fight over their lack of understanding of themselves and each other to create harmony and return intimacy and peace to their personal and professional relationships without spending years in therapy.

The Relationship Rescue Coaching Program is designed to help individuals deepen their understanding of themselves, identify their needs and desires, and develop wealthy (well+healthy) habits and practices to support their overall well-being before sharing their love of selves with others.

As much as we all value our relationships with others, our most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. By investing in improving our relationship with ourselves, we relate with ourselves and be better equipped to navigate our relationships with others in an authentic and fulfilling way.

By completing the Six Secret Ingredients, you will experience some change in sensibility and awaken your body, heart, and mind to know inner peace. And every bitterness in you will turn into an abundance of love for yourself and others.

My big hairy audacious goal by 2025 is to help at least 1,000 individuals and couples end their relationship struggles by creating harmony in themselves, surrendering to wholeness and returning intimacy and peace, and ultimately living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

What is coaching?
How can I benefit from it?

Before you decide whether or not coaching is right for you, learn more about it and how it can transform your life.

“Mrs. Jacqueline Audigé is the kind of person who pushes you to give the best of yourself.”

– Dominique D.

How Healthy Is Your Relationship?

Book Your Couple Relationship Health Check to find out.

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