“I do this work because I have a message that matters. I am passionate about serving individuals and couples yearning to create harmony and end their personal and professional relationship struggles.”

Jacqueline Tchouassi Audigé
At J.A. Coaching4Harmony

“I do this work because I have a message that matters. I am passionate about serving individuals and couples yearning to create harmony and end their personal and professional relationship struggles.”

Jacqueline Tchouassi Audigé
At J.A. Coaching4Harmony


My name is Jacqueline Tchouassi Audigé. My birth name “Tchouassi” means problem-solver and homebuilder.

Family and friends consider me a “queen of problem-solving.” I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t solving problems. My passion for sharing my message, serving individuals and couples, sharing smiles of tenderness, and creating harmony drive success.

Go Deeper and Transform Your Relationship

Coaching Services

I help individuals and couples who argue and constantly fight over their lack of understanding of selves and each other create harmony and awaken their bodies, hearts, and minds to return intimacy and peace to their personal and professional relationships​ ​​without therapy.

As someone who once walked in my client’s shoes, I am committed to being authentic, listening with passion and compassion, and delivering values and the expected outcome for all individuals and couples who seek my help.

I have worked with individuals and couples who want to be successful in “personal and professional relationships.” In only a few coaching sessions, they understand that their relationships are the most important thing, and they no longer have to struggle to make them their number ONE priority.

Often the appropriate service gives clients in life and business a new perspective, motivates them to do the right thing, and solves their relationship struggles in no time.

My clients gained motivation and enhanced all aspects of their relationships and lives in my practice because they found the right nugget.

Before starting JA Coaching, I founded Aumazo, Inc. in 2005, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that transforms girls’ lives in rural Cameroon by providing them with quality high school STEM education and improved school infrastructure. In defining the mission at Aumazo, I built the boarding school’s foundation from scratch and a road connecting the nearby village to the school site. I led a team and started a tutoring program in 2016 that helped raise the high school entrance exam passing rate for girls from 23% to 86% in 4 years. I also set up a scholarship program for girls that currently supports 41 students.

To secure Aumazo’s financial sustainability, I established ZOMABUILD Construction Business in 2013. Zomabuild makes interlocking blocks from local resources to build environmentally-friendly residential homes and schools. Profit generated by the business will help offset the operating costs of the Aumazo School when it opens its doors.

Want to renew and transform your relationship without spending years in therapy?

Start your Relationship Health Check today.