
A few success stories for you.

Tanya as “Is”

I decided to hire Jacqueline on a leap of faith. I was in an abusive relationship. My husband was cheating on me emotionally if not physically, and I had been caring for my children mostly on my own for 17 years. I was exhausted, heartbroken and everyone was telling me to leave – not just to leave but to run away. However, I felt a connection to Jacqueline that I couldn’t describe.

I borrowed the money from my mom and decided that I was going to give it my utmost for 6 weeks. I was completely willing to let go of the outcome. After all, we were on the brink of divorce either way. It was much harder than I ever expected. Jacqueline had me face every one of my fears and my pain head on. I experienced anxiety like I never had before. I experienced pain, yet she held me every step of the way. I wanted to quit so many times. I told her I was going to fire her, that this could not possibly be the way. Yet, I continued on and she held me through some of the hardest moments of my life.

Eventually, I saw the light. Are things perfect? No, but I don’t think love is meant to be perfect. It was just me doing the training, so now it is up to me to hold space for myself, my children, and my husband so we can all heal. Can I do it? Yes. Because I’ve found my strength with Jacqueline, and I know she is there holding space for me, if not in person, in spirit, and I am holding space for myself. And I see the changes. Every day, I see little changes in my husband and my children.

Was it worth every penny? Yes. Was it worth the pain? Yes. Am I at peace? Yes, as hard as it is to admit it. Yes. I am at peace. Do I have faith that things will continue to improve? Yes.

Hortense B.

It was so wonderful to work with Jacqueline as a coach. I had known her for years as a good listener, support, and adviser but as a coach, I did not. So one day, I called her and while we were talking, I brought up some of my struggles and she told me that she could coach me if I wanted. Immediately I said YES. I was so excited because I thought she would hand me a magic potion to get rid of my frustrations, but I was so wrong. She was not the first coach I worked with. After our first session, I was disappointed but at the same time very impressed. Disappointed because she did not hand me the miraculous potion I expected, but so impressed by her approach to coaching. She brought out the best in me. She helped me discover that all solutions to my concerns are deep down inside me. Today I have more faith in myself and my project because of her. Thank you Coach Jacqueline! Because of you, I am happier, tolerant, and have more energy moving forward. I hope many more people get lucky like me to have you as a coach!

Jean-Marie T.

Many of us out there may have or had problems choosing a career. Early this year, I worried about the job that could fit my aptitude. I was looking for a career that I will love to practice during my life. Then, a friend of mine recommended Coach Jacqueline Audigé.

On my first zoom appointment with her, I expected her to give me a list of materials to bring during the sessions for the career she would choose for me. I was utterly wrong. She scheduled a few coaching conversation sessions with me, at the end of which her support through powerful questions pulled out of me the career that fits my lifestyle. I’m successfully working on it right now with a lot of excitement.

At the end of the six weeks I spent working with her, I realized that my strength lies within me, and I just needed a coach like Coach JA to help me pull it from the inside out. I did and started using it right away with great success.

I strongly suggest to those in a similar situation I was in to contact Mrs. Jacqueline Audigé, who is really on top of the coaching game. She listens and understands, and leads the conversation not only with calm and passion but also with skill and knowledge.

Tara M.

Through coaching sessions with Jacqueline, I gained:

  • Clarity
  • The ability to talk through a situation in a judgment-free environment
  • Strategies for when necessary
  • Help to identify and to dig into underlying issues (e.g., inner gremlins, limiting belief systems)
Collins N.

The best thing about Jacqueline’s coaching was the patience. The ability to listen and give feedback without intercepting the thought and allowing me to figure it out for myself!

Thierry W.
English Teacher

For the past four years, Mama Jacqueline has been a pillar in my life. Her ways of being, ideas and enlightenment have changed my life positively.

Socially: My experience with her has instilled in me specific positive values that help me solve many social problems. Thanks to her, my heart is full of virtues such as humility, simplicity, time consciousness, self-esteem, and team spirit, to name a few. She has made me understand that caring about others’ well-being is very important when working in a team.

Economically: I achieved a lot since I started working with Mama Jacqueline. For instance, I am building my own house as a result of my additional increased income.

Politically: Working with Mama Jacqueline has strengthened my leadership skills. She made me realize and understand that real leaders ask and involve people around them in the decision-making process.

May the Good Lord bless her and her family abundantly. I pray that God grants her a long life to continue her transformational work to benefit more people.

Durand N.
Math Teacher

My life started to change from my first encounter with Jacqueline. I learned with her that a great leader listens and seeks to understand their employees. A great leader does not belittle or humiliate them. I also learned that their family’s well-being also conditions the effectiveness of a worker.

I continue to learn from her every day. She helped me understand that each situation in life teaches me something and helps me grow. She helped me discover how to manage our household on all levels well: health, economic, spiritual. Thanks to her, I can honestly say that I have become a better father and the best husband. I thank this exceptional lady that we all affectionately call “Mother Jacqueline.”

I am a confident, proud teacher who innovates every day to improve his teaching quality and is close to his students professionally.

On the home front, I am an attentive and caring father, an open and attentive husband. On a personal level, I can confront all situations head-on now.

Dominique D.
Science Teacher

Mrs. Jacqueline Audigé is the kind of person who pushes you to give the best of yourself, who teaches you to learn from the difficulties and errors of life, to see the advantages and opportunities in disastrous situations. In short, this woman can galvanize soldiers who have already given up hope.

Thanks to her character, experience, and personality, Jacqueline is a compass capable of guiding anyone towards a bright future. Thanks to her, I learned to trust myself, foresee, and anticipate. I became a better listener. I now understand that every situation in life just allows me to grow. I can learn from my mistakes and gain experience and assurance. Thank you again a thousand times.

Raïssa S.

On a professional level, Mama Jacqueline – a big-hearted woman – helped me think. I grew in knowledge and ability to communicate well with my colleagues. Thanks to her guidance, I now take more initiative. For example, I have been going online regularly to search for solutions to problems that emerge in my life. It is something that I did not know about before meeting her.

On a personal and family level, she brought and taught me a lot. I cannot count the number of times she sent me Gospel passages to meditate on with my family. She taught me how to supervise children without corporal punishment. I learned the importance of my full participation in all aspects of my family life and supporting my husband. I am now making my modest financial contribution to my nuclear family and my parents. I’m gradually saving toward purchasing our own house.

Mama Jacqueline is a role model to me and all of us. Thank you once again for your support.

Patric N.
French Teacher

In the four years that I have known Jacqueline, many positive things have happened in my personal and professional life. Indeed, notable changes have taken place in my family life through the substantial support in terms of income that I receive from working for Aumazo. I applied the learning methods learned within Aumazo, which facilitated and simplified my students’ transmission of knowledge. On a completely different level, Jacqueline has been a coach and mentor. I learned family financial management and built my future. She had the right words to lift me when I lost my eldest son.

I’d love to show you how coaching can transform your life.